

All too often, we're told to "just think positive," to "snap out of it," to "just pray," or to "hang in there"....and these statements, while not inherently "wrong," can cause us to feel even more alone, even more frustrated, and even more negative about ourselves and our lives.  I mean, WE'VE TRIED all of that, and still we're struggling.  Struggling with shame or guilt, with sadness, with anxious thoughts we can't turn off, with negative thoughts about ourselves.  And there just isn't an "off" button.  

The goal of individual therapy, in a nutshell, is to help us discover the "why" behind what we're struggling with.  With that awareness, we can begin to take two important steps:  Coping, then thriving.  "Coping skills" help us use practical steps to feel like we're [finally] in control of our thoughts and feelings more than our thoughts and feelings are in control of us.  With that foundation in place, we can focus on beginning to become the best version of ourselves that we can be for ourselves, our family, our friends, and our communities.  

It's normal to struggle, and the strongest and bravest step that we can take is to change the narrative that often permeates our families and our society and get help, rather than struggling silently and/or dismissing the fact that we could benefit from help (a fact that is usually obvious to everyone except the person who is refusing to admit it).  You're not "weak" or "crazy"...congratulations, you're normal.  Let's walk together to help you learn to cope, then thrive...and create the life you've wanted to live all along.  


There may be no greater gift than family.  And there may be no greater challenge than family, either! Most families want to appear as if they "have it all together" and never struggle or argue.  The reality is, EVERY family goes through difficult times.  If we come from families where we didn't learn more constructive communication skills, or stress management skills, or attachment approaches, then navigating those difficult times that we all face will be exponentially more difficult.  Sometimes, it can seem hopeless...and at others times, frustrating beyond belief.  And we're just not sure how to change the cycle.

The good news is, there is help!! Family therapy helps us take a strengths-based, skill-focused, and practical approach to family members' interactions with one another.  The strongest families are not the ones who never ask for help, but the ones who hold tight to tried-and-true relational patterns that in turn keep them holding tight to one another.  Don't let conflicts tear you about...let us help you use those moments as opportunities to come closer together.  


Remember the early days of dating, when it seemed that your partner could do no wrong? And the same was probably true of you? Ahh, fond memories...memories that often get lost in the ether of time once we get further down the road (married, moving in together, facing the financial stressors, dealing with family matters...the list goes on and on).  It's easy to lose sight of the foundation of love and compatibility that was once so apparent to us.  It might seem instead that all is lost, even though that's not necessarily the case.  Often, what's missing isn't the essentials for a lifelong love that we so deeply desire.  What's missing are the skills that help us navigate the completely normal and valid struggles in such a way that we stand CLOSER together on that foundation, rather than drifting further apart.  

Couples therapy can help us learn those skills and apply them to the situations that cause stress and sadness in our romantic relationships.  All couples struggle, and couples therapy is here to help us learn to struggle successfully on our way to building a love that stands the test of time.  


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